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Christmas Eve
Enjoy a delectable four-course dinner from a fabulous festive menu that includes dishes such as Chicken & Duck Liver Parfait, Herb-crusted Sea Bass Fillet and Berries with Hot Chocolate. Christmas Eve in Epicure is priced at AED 550 per person, including a glass of Prosecco and a bottle of wine per couple. AED 350 per person for food only.

Christmas Day
A taste of the classics, the Christmas Day menu includes Roast Parsnip and Parmesan Soup with a Cheddar Scone to start, followed by traditional Christmas Turkey and finished off with Christmas Pudding with Brandy Butter. Christmas Day in Epicure is priced at AED 400 per person including a glass of bubbly and a glass of wine. AED 350 per person for food only.

L: Desert Palm Hotel, Al Awir Rd
T: 04 323 8888

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